2020 eCommerce Trends: The online buying habits of the Polish market

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2020 eCommerce Trends: The online buying habits of the Polish market


According to MarketLine’s Polish Industry Profile from February 2020, the Polish market is a rapidly growing eCommerce sector that accounts for 4.3% of the European online retail sector value. In 2018, the Polish online retail sector grew by 17.17% to reach a value of $12,634.4 million, and it is projected to increase by 95% by 2023. With this strong growth forecast on the horizon, brands around the world should draw their attention to this market, learning the best practices for entering the online landscape in Poland. 

For this reason, Flowbox put together this market research on the online buying practices of Polish people. With the insights from our report, online brands from various industries and countries will have the information they need to not only enter the Polish market but improve their eCommerce performances in this promising online space. 

This data was collected at the end of February 2020, immediately before the COVID-19 pandemic began to take shape across Europe. We believe that this makes our report even more relevant to eCommerce brands, as any information collected during the quarantine period will be significantly biased based on the situation. 

We offer a unique piece of market research that’s not hindered by these biases. 

We’re lucky to have completely unbiased data that gives brands a real snapshot of the online buying habits of Polish people, one that will be extremely useful for future planning. If anything, the trends that we are seeing for online purchase during the crisis – in terms of frequency of purchase and money spent – is increasing. Demonstrating that the COVID crisis is triggering eCommerce purchasing, which only helps to support the data within our report. 

Within this research, we take into account age, gender, and income level to give readers comprehensive and statistically significant data for each variable to better understand the online buying habits of the whole of Poland. While the data is not nationally representative in regards to population distribution, we represent each group within the report. Our intention was to provide an optimized report that enables brands to find their own specific target audiences within the data. 

The current eCommerce market in Poland

As a member of the European Union, Poland’s marketplace is essentially international. The lack of geographical boundaries makes it a suitable market for brands across Europe and the rest of the world to penetrate. 

In terms of category segmentation, a topic we explore within our report, Apparel Retail is the largest with 25.3% of the sector’s total value. However, Electronics Retail quickly follows with 22.8% of the total value, according to MarketLine’s Polish Industry Profile from February 2020.  

In the wake of COVID, the strongest industries in Poland during the quarantine period, apart from cleaning supplies, have been clothes, footwear, and health products. 

As the Polish online retail sector has grown so rapidly, it is a competitive landscape for brands looking to open online stores – but one with a lot of potential. All the more reason to learn about the online buying behaviors of the people of Poland to learn how to best reach them. 

In order to do that, we put together this report on the online buying behavior of Polish people. It addresses the entirety of the Polish eCommerce market by answering these 5 key questions:

1. What are the online buying habits of Polish people? 

First, we look at how often Polish people tend to purchase online and the amount that they spend yearly. This includes the industries of interest and how they make their online purchase (desktop, mobile, tablet). 

2. What inspires Polish people to shop online? 

Then, we look at what inspires the Polish market to shop online from in-person recommendations, social media, ads, and more. We also take a closer look at the way that Polish people interact with social media in relation to online purchases for a better idea of the relationships between them. 

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3. What inspires Polish people to shop from specific brands? 

Here, we discover what eCommerce brands can do to stand out against competitors within the Polish market including a look at brand values like price, sustainability, and ethical treatment of workers. We also compare what attracts Polish people to certain brands over others with similar products, again giving readers a full picture of how to improve their performance. 

4. What eCommerce services and features help or encourage Polish consumers to buy online? 

To help brands improve their eCommerce user experience, in this section we explore the services and features that lead to conversions within the Polish market. From User Generated Content to customer service options, brands will leave with a better idea of the best ways to get customers to convert. 

5. What post-purchase habits do Polish consumers follow? 

Finally, we look at how Polish consumers react after purchasing a product to get a better idea of how to engage with customers within this market post-purchase. 

By looking at consumer behavior based on these 5 key questions, we have a comprehensive idea of how the people of Poland buy online, including the types of products, the frequency, and what gets them interested in converting. 

This research will greatly help brands around the world improve eCommerce performance in this region.