9 Charming Ways to Generate Word of Mouth [INFOGRAPHIC]

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9 Charming Ways to Generate Word of Mouth [INFOGRAPHIC]

Do you want more happy customers in your online store? The kind of customers that will also tell their friends about you? Then the best tactic to generate word of mouth is to wow your current customers every time they visit your online store.

Data also strengthens this logic: 83% of customers love to spread the word on social about their positive shopping experience. This is how you can acquire new -and also more easily convertible- prospects and increase your conversion rate.

Curious about how to get the exposure you desire?

Then check out the infographic below, which lists the 9 most important customer delighting techniques that will help you reach positive word-of-mouth.  

Let’s dig in!

9 Charming Ways to Generate Word of Mouth

generate word of mouth

Customer delighting tools for happy customers that generate word of mouth

In this infographic we listed tips and solutions for making your customers happy. Let’s go one step further, and see exactly what kind of tools will help you realize these points!

Here’s a list that you can start using right away:

  • Customer support: Comm100 is a live chat tool that you can use to answer customers’ questions in real-time, and with the built-in translation help, you can even chat with your customers in their chosen language.
  • Seamless checkout experience: Stripe helps you provide and optimize the best checkout process on mobile and desktop devices. It can also handle multi-currency and multi-party payments.
  • Personalization: Apptus offers a personalization solution for you to let customers see the most relevant products during their journey, like when they search, purchase and browse your site. As an extra, they also let you create well-targeted ads based on your shoppers’ searches and viewed products.
  • Rewards programs: Antavo – the marketing software whose team I’m on – lets you create rewards programs for your customers. You can reward customers with points for purchases, referrals, using your hashtags, consuming your content and much more. Related article: Customer Retention – 4 dimensions of customer loyalty that maximize retention
  • Rewarded referrals: Bullseye gives you the capacity to get the most out of customer referrals. When a customer invites a new prospect, both of them can be rewarded with coupons. This tool also lets you find the influential customers that generated the most sales for you.
  • User generated content: Flowbox helps you build social proof by showing the best customer photos of your products shared on social media. It also makes it possible to purchase your products through Instagram photos.
  • Seamless mobile experience: goMobi makes it possible to turn your existing e-commerce store into an m-commerce app.
  • Multi-channel availability: Etail lets you connect all of your sales channels (e.g. Amazon, eBay, Shopify, Magento), enables you to manage your inventory from one place, and also sets up automation for e.g. order management on the channels where you sell your products.

What methods and tools have you used so far for delighting your customers and generate word of mouth? Which of them worked for you, and which didn’t?

Curious about how Flowbox can transform your marketing strategy? Get your demo now!

I would love to hear about your experience and additional tips in the comments section below!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Timi Garai is the Content Marketing Manager and blogger at Antavo Loyalty Software. She produces ebooks, use cases, whitepapers, blogposts about ecommerce marketing and customer loyalty. In her other life she blogs about the manga and animé subculture for 10 years. Connect with her on Linkedin or Twitter.