How to add Instagram feed on Shopify website for free

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How to add Instagram feed on Shopify website for free

Adding an Instagram feed on a Shopify website is super easy. Instagram is an absolute jackpot for expanding your user base and providing them with exciting visual content. Shopify is a highly useful website builder, specifically for online stores, which has allowed a vast number of businesses to start and develop them.

As the world is moving their lives onto the digital realm of social media, it is vital that businesses upgrade their eCommerce to work hand in hand with popular social platforms such as Instagram, the ever-growing mother of all photo-sharing platforms. So, how do you combine the power of Instagram with the magic of Shopify? 

How to add your Instagram feed to Shopify

When it comes to whether or not integrating Instagram into your eCommerce with Shopify is a good idea, it’s a no-brainer. Fortunately for you, boosting your social reach and brand awareness is very simple. Here is a quick step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. You need to be using Shopify.
  2. Go to the Shopify app store.
  3. Search for Instagram and here you will find a wide variety of apps that can help you install your Instagram feed to your Shopify store free of charge
  4. Have a good look at what apps would best suit your brand’s needs depending on what they have to offer and select your chosen one.
  5. Add the app and install!

That’s it! You will then have a gorgeous section on your Shopify website that features an Instagram feed, which you can then customise to your heart’s content. This new asset will help you engage with your many, adoring followers who are guaranteed to enjoy that you have integrated social media into your website. There are so many features you can utilise through customisation such as different graphics, dynamics, tagged photos, and different options for display, all to create an exciting shoppable Instagram feed on your own eCommerce store. 

You can collect Instagram content from the following:

  • Hashtags
  • Handles (@)
  • Mentions
  • Tagged content
  • Reels
  • Stories

Where can you add an Instagram feed?

Instagram feeds are not limited to your homepage! In fact, you can strategically place User Generated Content on your Shopify website to improve the customer journey and optimise their experience. Instagram feed are particularly useful on:

  1. Homepage – why not welcome your browsers with an aesthetically pleasing gallery to get off to a good start?
  2. Product page – shoppers interested in a particular product will receive a tailored user experience
  3. Community page – consumers value community when shopping, so content validated by real people will be sure to inspire them
  4. Inspiration page – not everyone knows what they are looking for, and an inspiration page is a great way to showcase your catalogue
  5. Checkout page – say goodbye to abandoned carts, a well executed UGC strategy gets your customers over the finish line

Add a Shopify Instagram Feed: Method 1 – Flowbox

An example of an Instagram feed integrated onto a Shopify eCommerce store and one of our clients, is Cluse, a traditional watch brand born in Amsterdam. This is typically featured as you scroll down the page, so you are pleasantly greeted with relatable and reliable UGC to help influence your buying decision as a consumer. You can see here Cluse has included an element their consumers can interact with, with their hashtag campaign, to further increase brand and consumer engagement and in order to aggregate UGC.

Instagram Feed Shopify: Cluse watch brand shoppable UGC lookbook Flowbox

You can then click on whatever image you like and see something along the lines of this, another example from Cluse. 

Instagram Feed Shopify: Cluse watch shoppable UGC Flowbox platform

Here, the products in the image are tagged and you can then click on the image or the tags, or even the Instagram symbol to be directly transported to their Instagram page. Pretty neat don’t you think? It’s also important to know that the example above isn’t a set format, you have a lot of freedom with how you want to design your Instagram feed on your online store, some apps even let you choose layouts such as carousels. 

The online buying journey itself becomes much more interactive and something off of your consumers can trust to base their decisions. This is due to integrating something your consumers can relate to, seeing people like themselves being featured just confirms to them the credibility of your brand. Integrating your Shopify Instagram feed exhibits the fact that you care about your consumers and their voice, by giving them more autonomous freedom on your website. 

Directing them to your social media platforms like Instagram is another way to promote your transparency as a brand, especially when it is clear you value User Generated Content. Convinced? Read on as we explain your next steps below. 

How to embed an Instagram Feed via Instagram

  1. To integrate your Instagram feed into your website, first, access your Instagram Profile via a desktop or mobile browser.
  2. Next, navigate to the specific post you wish to embed on your website.
  3. Then, locate the three dots or the ‘More Options’ dropdown in the top right corner of the post and click on ‘Embed’ from the provided options.
  4. A new pop-up window will appear displaying the embed code.
  5. Finally, copy the embed code provided and paste it into the backend of your website. Repeat these steps for each post you want to embed on your website.

All this for free!

Why should I add a shoppable Instagram feed: Shopify

Unsure of how a Shopify Instagram integration can help your eCommerce brand? Here are some reasons why you should probably look into it to compete in the current market.

1. Connect to different social media platforms

Shopify allows you to do a number of handy things to optimise your sales and one of them is being able to connect to marketing channels such as Instagram. Instagram has also inputted features that can assist users to create a shoppable feed and sell products using third-party websites. Combining the two is the ultimate tool for leveraging your eCommerce and building a bridge between social media and your website. 

2. Create a more attractive, converting website

Shopify has allowed over 1 million businesses to upgrade their customer base. It’s a full bundle of everything you need in order to create an effective, interesting, and engaging eCommerce store, providing several creative options to better construct and layout your website with an online inbuilt editor.

Rely on the authenticity of UGC to connect better with your customers via your website. Request a demo of Flowbox today and discover more about our advanced UGC platform.

3. Hassle-free

It is also cloud-based so it is easy to access anywhere and you don’t have to worry about servers or databases. It uses in-built marketing tools, offers advanced functionality, and saves so much time and so many resources. Shopify alone has contributed $319 billion to the world’s economy, which goes to show the influence it has on the saturated eCommerce world, and rightly so!  

4. Increase profit

Instagram is undeniably one of the most advantageous platforms to utilise when it comes to leveraging your own eCommerce. It reaches far and wide and its content comes in an easily digestible format -something that can be easily employed to increase conversions. It is a fantastic platform for showcasing your business to your demographic, in fact, 200 million+ Instagrammers visit at least one business profile daily. You could make sure yours is included in the equation. 

5. Increase brand trust and authenticity

Having your brand on Instagram is a means of exhibiting your authenticity as a company. You could be just another close friend on their followers list. Shopifying your Instagram feed is a foolproof way to increase your online revenue, and better connect with your consumers. 

Using Shopify along with Instagram is ideal for any eCommerce brand with a business account on the social platform. It’s common knowledge that social media can be challenging to keep up with, but granted you have a semi-thriving Instagram following with some eye-catching product images, ideally, User Generated, then Shopifying your Instagram feed would be your next step.

Leveraging your social platforms with a Shopify Instagram integration essentially drives people to engage with your brand on social media ergo, increasing brand awareness, which you could argue is the most important advantage needed in order to build your business. You need exposure, in all revenues and a Shopify Instagram feed is certainly an optimal tactic to employ for this. 

One of the most important benefits of Instagram is that it extends your user base and improves your social traffic, so it’s pretty clear to see how useful it would be to interlace the benefits of Instagram within your eCommerce strategy. Especially since Instagram’s potential advertising reach is 1.16 billion users, you are unlikely to obtain that kind of exposure anywhere else.

Amongst a plethora of other handy perks, Instagram is the host of numerous eye-catching images, a lot of which are product images generated by users, and User Generated Content by far is one of the most effective means of increasing brand awareness and leveraging your eCommerce. 

With just a few clicks you can add an enticing Shopify Instagram integration into your eCommerce store, converting your website visitors into loyal consumers through your authentic and striking visual content. As Instagram is a daily platform for many, when consumers see a shoppable Instagram feed on eCommerce stores they can gain a sense of familiarity, like reuniting with an old friend who can also, as it happens, recommend a really decent product. 

The benefits of embedding an Instagram feed on your Shopify website 

Embedding an Instagram feed on your website can bring you many benefits:

  1. Boost sales with social proof
  2. Increase your Instagram following
  3. Reach more of your audience
  4. Increase the time people spend on your website
  5. Direct traffic from Instagram to your website
  6. Build trust between your brand and consumers

Primarily, having your social media married with your online store means your consumers can follow you and keep themselves up to date on your latest products and announcements. Seeing a consistent stream of content from your Instagram feed will drive your consumers to your website and vice versa. 

Additionally, by using the most recent photos from an Instagram User Generated Campaign you can demonstrate your brand’s authenticity and build consumer trust, which in turn, generates more consumers to brand loyalty!

This seems a little obvious but no less a benefit, by using an Instagram feed on your Shopify you can organically gain more Instagram followers. We have already discussed the far outreach that Instagram has, this is perfect for increasing brand awareness. 

Finally, this type of format also enables you to offer your consumers multiple perspectives on their favorite products or soon-to-be favorite products! Giving your consumers multiple options on your website as well as on social media to explore your brand is an excellent way to garner trust and build a compassionate and reliable brand image.

Upgrade your online store now with your Instagram feed on Shopify!

So there you have it! A simple way to enhance and promote your brand’s eCommerce and social media presence. Follow the simple steps above and you are guaranteed to see results. 

At the end of the day, Instagram is quickly becoming one of the most popular and used image-reliant social media platforms to date. Integrating your social media platforms with eCommerce platforms such as Shopify is certainly a game-changer! Install your new Instagram feed on Shopify and you can experience increased brand awareness, online revenue, and conversions. See you on Instagram!


Can you have an Instagram feed on Shopify?

Yes, of course! Shopify has made it really simple to integrate an Instagram feed onto your website. It is also available to customise into a display of your liking. 

How do I grow my Instagram on eCommerce?

Here are some fairly simple techniques you can employ to grow your Instagram on your eCommerce:

  1. Using Hashtags is a really effective way of growing your Instagram as it can give more exposure to your brand. While using your own hashtags is a great way to garner interest in your posts, it’s recommended that you review trending hashtags and employ these in your own Instagram campaigns to further expand your reach. 
  2. You can even run hashtag contests! Your increased consumers can then use the same hashtags in their own posts to be featured on your Instashop on Shopify. 
  3. Follow as many Instagram influencers in your industry, networking is key!
  4. While it’s important to interact with your followers it’s also important to interact with non-followers, they will be more likely to follow you if they see your brand is interested in their content and will engage with them. 

How do I embed Instagram on Shopify?

Shopify has made embedding your Instagram feed onto your website a very simple and quick process. Just follow these steps:

  1. You need to be using Shopify.
  2. Go to the Shopify app store.
  3. Search for Instagram and here you will find a wide variety of apps that can help you install your Instagram feed to your Shopify store.
  4. Have a good look at what apps would best suit your brand’s needs depending on what they have to offer and select your chosen one.
  5. Add the app and install!

Is Shopify good for Instagram?

Shopify is perfect for Instagram! As Shopify is the world’s leading eCommerce platform and Instagram is one of the top-performing social media platforms, they established a partnership to enhance your Instagram marketing to its fullest potential. In fact, 90% of Instagram users follow a business account so it makes perfect sense that Shopify has paired up with them to better showcase your eCommerce business. 

What is the best Instagram feed app for Shopify?

The best Instagram feed app for Shopify can vary depending on your specific needs and preferences. Some popular options include InstaShow, InstaPics, and Socialphotos.

What does InstaFeed do on Shopify?

InstaFeed on Shopify is an app that enables you to showcase your Instagram feed directly on your Shopify store. It allows you to curate and display UGC, making your store more dynamic and interactive.

How much does InstaFeed cost?

The cost of InstaFeed or any Instagram feed app for Shopify typically varies based on the features and functionalities offered by the app. Prices can range from free plans with basic features to monthly subscription plans with more advanced capabilities, usually starting around $5 to $20 per month.