Seamlessly collect Instagram Stories to integrate into your eCommerce website

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Seamlessly collect Instagram Stories to integrate into your eCommerce website

Thanks to Europe’s leading visual commerce platform, eCommerce brands can now collect their own Instagram Stories to integrate into their eCommerce store – and make them shoppable.

So what are the benefits of User Generated Content? Well it has already been proven to increase conversions and sales, thanks to genuine customer recommendations that are delivered visually through photos and videos posted on social media. But now, your integrated User Generated Content platform can be taken to a new level with the inclusion of your Instagram Stories, one of the most authentic ways that users share content with their peers on social today.

Over 500 million people use Instagram Stories everyday to share their day-to-day life and whereabouts, meaning there’s a huge potential to get your brand involved in the conversation. Especially when Instagram Stories are seen as even more raw and sincere than other kinds of content, as they are shared on the spot – then disappear in just 24 hours.

Rely on the authenticity of UGC to connect better with your customers. Request a demo of the Flowbox platform today and discover more about our advanced UGC platform.

So now, the hard work that you put into your brand’s IG Stories content doesn’t have to disappear for life. With this integration, you can collect that content and let it live forever in your eCommerce store. Why?

Because this form of content is so authentic, it means that your customers will have even more reason to respond to the social proof that comes from this format. Not only that but 62% of people say that they are more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in Stories.

Plus, it’s an easy way to increase that amount of video content that you include on your eCommerce, which continues to attract high amounts of engagement.

With Flowbox, eCommerce brands can collect customer content and embed an Instagram feed or feed from across social media to integrate into their eCommerce store in stylish galleries and carousels and make it shoppable – bringing value, trust, engagement, and conversions to the brand. The inclusion of a brand’s own Instagram Stories is just another way in which you can give your customers a more compelling online shopping journey.

Customers are already having these conversations on social; use it to improve your eCommerce performance. If you want more tips on how to showcase your brand using Instagram, visit our complete guide to Instagram Marketing.