From eCommerce to social media and beyond: How our Social Media Scheduler helps brands take UGC further

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From eCommerce to social media and beyond: How our Social Media Scheduler helps brands take UGC further

When it comes to selling online, we at Flowbox see each action that a customer takes towards making a purchase as a small step in a much larger online buying journey. And these steps must be thoughtfully designed to work together, engaging customers from all sides with harmonious messaging, next level support, and an all-around comprehensive shopping experience – if we hope to get customers to convert.

For this reason, it’s always been our goal to help brands create 360 degree shopping ecosystems that properly address each possible point of contact that they make with online shoppers. Which is why we’ve upgraded our User Generated Content platform to equip brands with advanced social media features that work hand-in-hand with their eCommerce integrations. 

It’s our belief that social media is integral to the online buying process – seeing as it’s the birth place of User Generated Content. Plus, we already know how valuable this kind of content is for increasing conversions and engagement. And that’s why we wanted to give brands a way to effortlessly use these powerful customer created images and videos on their own social media accounts with the same ease, user experience, and advanced analytics that they’ve come to expect from the Flowbox platform. 

So let’s talk about why the new Flowbox Social Media Scheduler and the other features in our social media suite are going to take your brand’s UGC strategy to the next level by inspiring your customers with highly engaging content everywhere you interact.

Become a content machine that gives your best content back to your customers

When customers lovingly create content on social media featuring your products, you can use a UGC platform, like Flowbox, to collect this content and bring it directly into your eCommerce store. Then, this highly engaging content helps to inspire future shoppers with the power of social proof – oh hello conversions!

But we’ve recently noticed a gap in the visual online buying experience: most of the time this content doesn’t go back to your audience. Rather it lives on your eCommerce – where yes it is monumentally helping your brand increase online revenue – but it doesn’t complete the full circuit of interaction by landing back on social media. 

Which is why we set out to create our Social Media Scheduler, which enables Flowbox customers to go full circle with their UGC strategy with little to no extra work on their side. This technology is designed to facilitate brands of any size to become a content machine that can stretch the performance of their customer content to all aspects of their online presence. 

Using our in-platform publishing features, brands can simply repost and craft new posts to be posted automatically or scheduled to multiple social networks at the same time. This repurposing of your UGC means less work with more engagement on high-performing customer content, with a tighter link between your UGC strategy and social media.

This not only encourages more customers that see these images to post their own content featuring your products, but it also helps to make a bigger impact with each photo that you collect. And it’s all easy to view in your Media Library, where Flowbox users can manage all brand content and UGC in one platform. This includes an extensive range of filters on labels, functionalities for importing media libraries from Google Drive and Dropbox, and connecting products directly to your posts.

With this integration, you will see how UGC can enhance both your eCommerce and social media strategies, creating one overarching digital strategy that’s cohesive, influential, and inspiring. 

Rely on the authenticity of UGC to connect better with your customers. Request a demo of the Flowbox platform today and discover more about our advanced UGC platform.

But this isn’t just about creating a better online buying journey. It’s also about facilitating both social media and eCommerce practices, making it easier for your team to do both. 

Save time by reusing valuable resources 

Part of what attracts brands to a User Generated Content strategy is the benefit of time and resources saved on content creation. Thanks to the help of your customers, UGC cuts out a number of time-consuming content creation tasks, plus it’s completely free. So it only makes sense for your brand to stretch this content for all its worth, seeing as it can continue to save your team valuable time alongside its power to inspire customers. 

But this isn’t just about reusing high-quality customer content on multiple channels to save time on in-house content creation (though this is a HUGE help, of course). Our social media features are also designed to minimize manual tasks, making the whole process of creating a digital ecosystem simple, manageable, and efficient. 

For example, within our UGC platform, we already have an advanced Media Rights tool, which enables users to seamlessly request ownership over the content that they’d like to use. With these images and videos already approved, brands can now easily send this content directly to their own Instagram or Twitter account without worrying about copyright infringement. It’s all taken care of directly in our platform, making this crucial step simpler and more comprehensive. 

We also provide a very powerful editing library, where users can customize the images that appear on their feeds in an easy, time-saving way. These effective features include:

  1. Enforcing a single crop aspect ratio or offering a range of aspect ratio options to make sure uploaded images are always perfect
  2. Uploading images quickly while lowering server bandwidth usage
  3. Rotating, resizing, flipping, cropping, and scaling content to fit your brand image
  4. Helping your customers upload better images by showing an overlay on top of the editor to illustrate bleed margins or profile picture boundaries
  5. Applying a set of carefully crafted filter effects to your photos

Plus, this comes with extensive filtering options that make the process of finding the content that you want to feature simple. That way, with our Social Media Scheduler, you can easily plan out your social media calendar for the next month in an instant, maximizing your UGC and making it more efficient for teams to improve their social strategies. 

Moreover, our tool can also help you build better content strategies that are backed by data, ensuring that your customers are only ever shown the highest-converting images of your products.

Optimize your online ecosystem with the highest converting messaging

The Flowbox platform is already built to present brands with their best-performing content as well as other useful data points that enable them to make informed decisions about the content that they prioritize on their eCommerce. So we’ve taken the infrastructure of our advanced analytics suite and applied it to our social media dashboard so that these valuable insights can be used further. 

As our platform knows what kinds of photos perform well, it can also recommend what will perform well on platforms like Instagram. Meaning that your entire online buying journey is always touched by the power of high-converting content so you can feel confident that you’re always presenting the brand in the best light. 

All of these data-driven insights have the possibility to have a direct effect on your digital strategies – with the help of Flowbox’s social media integration. By joining the dots of your website content with social media and all of your other digital touchpoints, you’re presenting a more compelling online shopping journey; one that’s completely connected with our platform so that it’s easily managed in one space. 

These social media dashboards will also give you an understanding of how well this content is performing on social platforms with analysis of likes, comments, reach, impressions, and everything you need to properly assess the success of your content. 

Additionally, it’s on our product roadmap to enable users to compare against competitors, giving brands a full snapshot of how to keep up with the latest tastes on these quick-moving networks. 

Connect all of the dots of your UGC strategy 

There’s really no end to the possibilities when it comes to User Generated Content. With all of the insights that you take from your integration, you can also apply the same analysis to other channels like Social Ads. 

And guess what? Our platform will also be built out to support a full Facebook Ads or Google Ads integration, so that you can take your already approved UGC and send it directly out to the world. When we said connect the dots, we really meant it!

All of this hard work goes to show our dedication to exploring every avenue possible when it comes to the UGC process to make sure that our international roster of customers makes the best use possible of their high-quality customer content. 

What do you think? Does this sound like an intriguing way to enhance your UGC strategy? Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to discuss how you can leverage our Social Media Scheduler and Suite within your Flowbox integration today.