
How Casanova Foto benefits from UGC | Case study

Casanova Foto has implemented User Generated Content to improve the customer journey on its website and strengthen its relationship with its customers. Read on for everything you need to know about their UGC success.


Users that interact with UGC convert more


The Story

Casanova Foto has specialist shops for everything related to photography and video and was started in 1972 by Paco Casanova. It is a family business and has stores in Barcelona and Madrid. They are one of the largest photography companies in Europe.


Casanova Foto needed a way to streamline their online shopping process for customers by finding a way to connect products with images from social media.

“Casanova Foto is a company focused on the sale of products for photography, so when we started on Instagram it was very difficult for us to link images with products. Using Flowbox’s UGC platform, made linking these things together much easier, now the user can easily associate the product with the image.”

Annie Vidal, Marketing and Communication Assistant at Casanova Foto


Integrating with Flowbox has allowed Casanova Foto to strengthen its social media community. UGC images are interesting to professionals, which keeps them engaged when on the Casanova Foto website.

“We have a very loyal community. Professionals are very satisfied with their purchases, which is why we have many users who tag us and mention us in their photos. They are the ones who create the community. The fact we are able to share all those images on the website helps professionals to connect with each other and create the community we are looking for.”

Annie Vidal, Marketing and Communication Assistant at Casanova Foto


Users that interact with UGC convert more


Casanova Foto has found the Flowbox platform very easy to use. It gives them the tools they need to manage their content, as well as giving them the freedom to experiment with images.

“It is a very intuitive platform and all the image rights data can be easily managed. We are free to adapt the images to our liking and we have not had any problems.”

Annie Vidal, Marketing and Communication Assistant at Casanova Foto

The Flowbox team took the time to understand what Casanova Foto was looking for in a UGC integration. The integration process went smoothly and the brand was very pleased with the results.

“The connection was very simple and fast. We had a meeting with the technical team to discuss our doubts and they were all resolved very effectively. They understood very quickly what we were looking for with the UGC integration and all our proposals were added.”

Annie Vidal, Marketing and Communication Assistant at Casanova Foto