
Case Study: Gioseppo increases sales 10.40% with UGC

From the moment Gioseppo has been working with Flowbox’s User Generated Content platform, their results have been very impressive. If you want to find out how this has been accomplished, keep reading to see how the brand has boosted its marketing strategy with UGC.




The Story

Gioseppo is a Spanish footwear brand that has established its presence in more than 80 countries over the course of 25 years of activity.

The Challenge

In a market as highly competitive as footwear, gaining a strong position in the fashion industry can be a tough challenge for eCommerce brands. For Gioseppo, the biggest challenge was to increase the overall number of sales using its own channels by optimising conversion rates and enhancing the frequency of purchases.

The Solution

At Product Hackers, the agency Gioseppo works with, they already knew the power of User Generated Content to increase the conversion rate of the consumer’s purchase process. That’s why the brand decided to rely on Flowbox and its platform.

This experiment involved carrying out an A/B test on product pages: diverting some website traffic to two versions of the same pages to compare the effects of having a UGC module vs. without.

The hypothesis was that by using a UGC module on product pages, the users would see other people like them wearing the footwear and thus making them more likely to buy, because they trust the brand. When Product Hackers ran the experiment the results translated into 10.40% more sales. 

This experiment was part of a wider range of growth initiatives carried out by Product Hackers. To learn more about their growth experiments, have a look at their successful case study with Gioseppo.

