
How Indiska benefits from UGC | Case study

Indiska improved their Conversion Rate, Click-Through Rate and time spent on site by featuring User Generated Content from their community of loyal customers with Flowbox.

The Story

A Swedish family owned company, which has existed for more than 110 years, now operates 100 stores in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Germany, as well as an e-shop with user generated content connected to their products, at indiska.com. They sell fashion, furnishings and accessories inspired by India. They have a great passion for India and the country’s crafts, colors and materials. The Indian influences are mixed with Scandinavian design, always with an eye for detail.


With lots of shoppers switching to online purchases, it was vital for Indiska to offer customers an inspiring shopping experience online. Just like they always have in their physical stores.

It is a fact that user generated content inspires more and that it makes customers more likely to discover and buy new products. In the physical stores 79% of the purchases beeing made is impulsive buy. At the same time, on e-commerce sites, due to lack of inspirational content, the same number is only 19%. Creating inspiring and relevant content is a great challenge for brands today. Furthermore, Indiska needed a way to spend less time each day creating and finding content.

Today it takes a lot of resources and time for brands to create, control and manage content. Content investment has in general grown to roughly one-third of the entire marketing budget. Indiska wanted to engage their customers and needed a way to use all the great content that surrounded their brand in social media, created by their happy customers.


When User Generated Content is exposed, time spent on site increases with up to 80%. Little wonder then, Indiska started working with Flowbox to integrate UGC on their site.

Indiska used Flowbox to inspire their customers from the beginning to the end of their journey by reflecting their own Instagram account on the start page and by putting a UGC-flow on an inspirational wall named #MyIndiska. UGC is the most effective when exposed directly next to a product. Of course, Indiska also put UGC-flows on the pages of their products, showing the customers own photos of the product or of products in the same category.

Images in social media are the modern-day equivalent of window displays. They exist to capture attention and draw people in. Indiska also helped their customers go from product discovery to purchase in seconds by making the @Indiska Instagram-feed shoppable.

Furthermore, Indiska use the Flowbox platform when asking for the right to use the photos and videos of their customers.


  • Increasing CTR (Click-Through Rate)
  • Increasing CVR (Conversion Rate)
  • Increasing time on site
  • Saving time and money creating content
  • Increased revenue