
How Palladium benefits from UGC | Case study

Palladium has seen a marked improvement in its conversion rate by integrating the Flowbox platform into its site. See how the Flowbox tagging feature and filters have improved Palladium’s eCommerce and customer experience.


Palladium users that interact with UGC convert more


Average order value increase


The Story

Palladium has a long and rich history, supporting those wanting to challenge the status quo for over 75 years. Based in France, the brand began its life as a manufacturer of aircraft tires but began making high-quality boots in 1947. Since then, the brand’s boots have been worn by everyone from the French Foreign Legion to athletes and fighters against injustice, permitting each wearer to discover the world around them.


Palladium needed a different form of content on their site that they could offer potential consumers with practical style inspiration. While they frequently used traditional images of their products, they found that these lacked the context needed for customers to picture shoes with the right outfits. They, therefore, realized that using content produced by their community would help to solve these issues.

“We think this is a plus for our customers and the people who browse our website, especially because we are in the footwear sector and we have some types of shoes at Palladium which can sometimes be complicated to pair with the right style of clothing. What could be better than using our community, a committed community that has loved our products for years and which often have very specific looks. For us, it was important to have this type of content which then helps the conversion rate on the site.”

Sandra Perrichon, eCommerce Manager at Palladium


Palladium is well aware of the fact that there are many different ways that people choose to style their products. As such, using UGC and connecting more closely with their community has allowed them to display to potential customers the many different uses of their footwear, while simultaneously showcasing the diversity of their community.

“Authenticity is the most important value conveyed when using UGC. It’s important to show that it’s not just influencers who wear our products. It’s the whole community of all ages. We talk a lot about the fact that Palladium is a brand for adventure, but not just that. The look also plays an important role. It is therefore important for us to also be able to promote all these aspects of our brand and to show via the community, that everyone can wear our products.” 

Sandra Perrichon, eCommerce Manager at Palladium


Palladium users that interact with UGC convert more


Average order value increase


Flowbox’s tagging feature has greatly helped Palladium with its eCommerce. By connecting their product catalog to the platform, those visiting the Palladium site can easily access product pages by clicking on the images or videos featured in the interactive UGC widgets. Connecting UGC to product pages moves users one step closer to making a purchase. In this way, it is no surprise that Palladium’s conversion rates have improved since they started using these features.

Palladium finds Flowbox’s platform straightforward and intuitive. While they did need some assistance in terms of implementing the platform into their site, the Flowbox Customer Success team was on hand to deal with any queries that they had.

“The team is very responsive. From the signing of the contract until the implementation, when I needed to call upon the teams, I had answers to all my questions and was able to make an appointment as soon as I needed it. It was really pleasant. Before launching the widgets, I was able to have my questions and queries answered, particularly on the legal aspect of User Generated Content.” 

Sandra Perrichon, eCommerce Manager at Palladium


The team at Palladium also benefits from the filters that are available on the Flowbox platform. The filters are highly convenient and spare them from sifting through their UGC; in addition, they ensure that Palladium can stay on top of the legal aspects of User Generated Content.

“The filters are super important in regards to dates, and for selecting the users who are mentioned, those from whom we already have the rights, etc. For us, the GDPR aspect was essential, especially in terms of having media rights. The filters also allow us to work ahead of time. We can prepare in advance the visuals that we want to publish on the site. We can put restrictions: for example, ensuring that only photos where a product is tagged are displayed in the widgets.” 

Sandra Perrichon, eCommerce Manager at Palladium