User Generated Content Permission, Rights, Laws & Legal Issues

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User Generated Content Permission, Rights, Laws & Legal Issues

In the digital age, User Generated Content is a powerful tool for brands, however, gaining User Generated Content permissions is crucial. This guide explores the importance of User Generated Content laws and rights, different types and acquisition methods, and will show you how tools like Flowbox can simplify the process, ensuring we use UGC responsibly and ethically. This article will also help you to understand the legal implications of UGC as well as how to incorporate best practices, and make sure you don’t run the risk of causing any User Generated Content legal issues. Read on for everything you need to know about User Generated Content rights.

Table of contents

  1. Why is it important to obtain permission? What does it prevent?
  2. Understanding User Generated Content rights management
  3. Understanding Copyright Content in UGC
  4. How to avoid User Generated Content legal Issues
  5. Flowbox rights requests and User Generated Content laws

Why is it important for brands to obtain permission? What does it prevent?

Obtaining User Generated Content permission is pivotal for brands on multiple fronts. Primarily, it strengthens content security by ensuring compliance with legal frameworks, and safeguards against potential copyright or ownership disputes. 

Beyond security, permission grants direct access to UGC, enabling brands to leverage authentic user content effectively, so that they can:

  • Display UGC campaigns
  • Embed UGC feeds on websites
  • Publish shoppable UGC galleries, and advertising (social and email). 

Moreover, it helps to foster brand credibility and nurture brand-user relationships. By obtaining User Generated Content permission, brands lay the groundwork for creating organic brand influencers, fostering authenticity around their brand, and thus, generating more valuable content. Equally important, securing permission demonstrates respect for creators’ rights, contributing to ethical content management. 

In summary, establishing standards and frameworks is imperative in navigating legal requirements and sustaining creators’ rights, fostering fairness for individuals, companies, and platforms alike. This ensures a balanced landscape, benefiting all that are involved in the process.

How can you get User Generated Content permission? 

  1. Direct requests for permission are an effective method of clearly and politely specifying usage intentions and terms, whilst establishing mutual understanding. 
  2. Incorporating usage terms within terms and conditions or user agreements during sign-up processes ensures users are aware and consent to content usage when engaging with the brand.
  3. Hashtag campaigns serve as a popular avenue for obtaining UGC rights permission. When brands share content using specific hashtags, it implicitly signals users’ consent for marketing purposes, provided they engage within these campaigns.. 

This can be broken down into two types of consent: implicit and explicit

Implicit consent often occurs within campaigns featuring clear calls-to-action (CTAs), like hashtag campaigns or photo competitions. Examples of implicit permission can be found in Instagram bios:

While participation implies permission, there can be instances where users might not fully comprehend that their content could be used. This lack of understanding might risk your brand’s image, making it essential to avoid such repercussions. Hence, obtaining explicit User Generated Content permission is very important and recommended: 

  • Directly request permission with a personalized, friendly and clear request. You can provide reasons for your request and detail and the use of specific hashtags. This should solidify the understanding of content usage terms

For example, one of the ways you can gain the right to use content is through a Rights Request template where you can leave a comment directly on the Instagram post:

  • You can also ensure absolute clarity in your campaign’s terms and conditions. Direct communication not only clarifies usage rights but also strengthens brand-consumer connections, fostering loyalty and a sense of value among customers.

Here’s how Flowbox can help you secure this permission!

Our UGC platform allows you to send a request to gain rights to use your customer´s content and track these requests.

  1. A system has been set up to ensure this is done easily and efficiently: we provide a template which you can use where you can “set a key hashtag” – this is the keyword needed in order to get the reply from the user. There are three settings: “pending” – “author replied” or  “granted”. 
  2. The tool allows you to specify your message to them – so make it friendly, simple and effective! And most importantly make sure to include the key hashtag in the message. 
  3. The post can also be approved automatically once the rights request has been granted, by using the ‘Auto Approve’ toggle. 

There are two options when sending the rights request: Automatic and manual:


  • This is where posts are collected via mention. The mention has to be in the caption of the post, not in the comment section – if this is the case you have to send a manual rights request.
  • If the post has been collected via mention, rights requests can be sent directly in Flowbox without opening the post on Instagram


Otherwise, you can send a manual rights request.

  • These are posts collected via other sources e.g hashtags or photo tags. 
  • Flowbox allows you to paste the rights request as a comment on the original post.
  • If the user answers with the key hashtag, you can also use the auto-approve button.

What happens when there is a post without a username?

  • This means it has been collected by a hashtag source 
  • But when the user replies to your rights request – the username will be shown. 

As of now, it is only available when collecting posts from Instagram.

You can also enable our “AI algorithm Flow Score”. This automatically sorts content based on engagement. (Otherwise, the content will be displayed in order of most recent to oldest).

In terms of privacy policy,terms and conditions need to come from your organization, you can mention where to find this information in your rights request template. Flowbox cannot handle this. For example, check out Kick’s terms and conditions, and how they use the hashtag #yeskicks to collect UGC. 

Strategy in obtaining User Generated Content Permission

When seeking User Generated Content permission, understanding the content type is important, as it reflects on your brand image and values. Deciding to use their content associates them with your brand, making it essential to align their values with yours. Their association can reflect on your brand purpose, potentially impacting how your audience perceives you.

Ensuring alignment between the content creator’s ethos and your brand values safeguards against conflicting messages. It’s imperative not to compromise on what your brand stands for by using UGC that doesn’t resonate with your brand identity.

Curious about how Flowbox can help you efficiently get content permission? Get your demo now!

Understanding User Generated Content rights

User Generated Content rights defined

User Generated Content rights encompass the legal permissions and limitations associated with content created by individual. Effective UGC rights management is crucial to harness the benefits of user-created content while respecting the rights of the content creators. 

What are usage rights?

Simply put, user rights refer to the consent that is granted by the creator to the brand to utilise their work for marketing. These rights specify how, where, and for what purposes the content can be utilised. For businesses leveraging UGC, obtaining clear and legal usage rights is essential to avoid potential User Generated Content legal issues.

What are the Rights of Content Creators?

Here are some general principles that often apply to User Generated Content Creators:

Copyright Ownership 

In most cases, the person who creates the content is the initial owner of the copyright. This means that content creators typically have the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, display, and perform their work.

License to the platform 

When users upload content to a platform, they often grant the platform a license to use, reproduce, distribute, and display their content. This license is usually necessary for the platform to share the content.

Terms of service and user agreements 

Content creators and users are typically bound by the terms of service or user agreements of the platform they are using. These agreements outline the rights and responsibilities of both the user and the platform, and may specify how the platform can use and moderate User Generated Content.

Public domain and fair use 

Some content may be in the public domain, meaning that it is not protected by copyright and can be freely used by anyone. The concept of “fair use” allows for the use of copyrighted material for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, and research without the need for permission. 

Content moderation and removal 

Platforms often have the right to moderate and remove User Generated Content that violates their policies.

At Flowbox, you can withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal data at any time by getting in contact using the information provided at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.

What are some common issues and challenges?

Navigating the realm of User Generated Content rights presents several common challenges: 

  • Copyright infringement looms as users may unintentionally upload content that violates copyrights, exposing platforms to potential legal consequences. 
  • Intellectual property disputes may emerge, especially concerning collaboratively created content, raising ownership issues. 
  • Ensuring Terms of service compliance becomes complex, given the diverse user base.
  • Privacy concerns can arise as User Generated Content may contain sensitive information, requiring platforms to carefully navigate privacy laws for user protection.
  • Risk of unauthorised usage, where users may lack proper credit for their work. 
  • Takedown requests and appeals become part of the landscape, demanding effective processes to address user disputes.

What are the best practices in navigating User Generated Content rights? 

Transparent communication is fundamental 

Clearly outline the intended use of their content and obtain their consent in a transparent manner. This not only ensures legal compliance but also builds a positive relationship with the community.

Make use of technology with Flowbox 

As mentioned earlier, you can leverage Flowbox to streamline User Generated Content rights management. Our tools simplify the tracking of usage rights, ensuring that content is used appropriately and in alignment with the creator’s permissions.

Understanding copyright content in UGC

User Generated Content often integrates elements from pre-existing works by other creators. For example, a YouTuber might incorporate a song into their video, or users on TikTok might engage in duets. However, the laws surrounding User Generated Content copyright vary. Original creators can give their permission to a UGC creator through a license. When it comes to User Generated Content from TikTok for example, the platform automatically grants users a license that allows them to engage in duets or respond to videos created by other users. 

Copyright limitations of content collection 

If your post has failed to publish for whatever reason, it may be because of a permissions issue. You can use the FlowBox publish tool to troubleshoot publishing errors and check your account permissions. 

In some cases, it won’t be possible to collect a post even when the author replies to your rights request message sent with the Flowbox Google Chrome extension. The reason for this is that Instagram’s API does not provide partners with content that contains User Generated Content copyright material or has been flagged for a copyright violation, such as copyrighted audio on a reel.

User Generated Content relationships thrive on informed consent – where content creators understand: 

  1. Where their content resides—on your company server, a social media platform like Instagram, or a hybrid model.
  2. Where their content will be showcased—email, website, trade shows.
  3. How they will be credited—whether through tags on social media or mentions on your website.

Avoiding User Generated Content Legal issues

It is imperative to abide by the legal frameworks laid out, and to keep in mind the rights of content creators to avoid any legal risks. If this is ignored, legal issues can arise. 

Ensure also that content is safeguarded against any hate speech or offensive materials. Using the FlowBox tool, you can filter content during the moderation process.

Flowbox Case Study: The Animal Observatory

Although it is important that you obtain permission from all users you collect content from, when it comes to the industries that cater to products for kids it’s especially vital given the sensitive nature of sharing content featuring children. With Flowbox you can be confident that this is done correctly using the rights request tool, and that privacy is protected at all times. In this video case study, Carmen de Paz from The Animal Observatory describes the ease with which the brand has been able to obtain permission from parents who have shared content of their children wearing their products, whilst being legally compliant.

“In Flowbox, it’s very easy to feature content from children or from anyone else because they have this tool, the rights request tool, which you can send to all your followers, all the people that generate the content that you want to use. You send them these right requests, and they can accept or not to share this kind of content with the brand.”

Carmen de Paz, Growth Manager at The Animals Observatory

See how they incorporate UGC on their website using the hashtag #beagoodanimal.

A Flowbox gallery on The Animals Observatory website.

Not working with a UGC platform yet? Book a demo to learn for yourself why brands all over the world trust Flowbox.

Flowbox rights requests and User Generated Content laws

In our Rights Request template, we not only ask for permission but we also ask you to include a URL. We recommend you do this so you can link to your own legal page with User Generated Content terms & conditions that underline laws. This also means your customers accept these T&Cs whenever they give consent to your request. 

Flowbox does not offer a standard template, because ultimately these T&Cs need to come from your organisation, and you are responsible for upholding them. However, to help you give an idea of what to include in your template, we have these examples from Stadium and Skane.

Not only does understanding User Generated Content laws avoid legal issues and hefty legal fees, but it is also crucial for the survival of your brand and its image, given that many customers will not buy from a brand that does not abide by User Generated Content laws, let alone create content featuring products from your brand. Therefore by acting in line with the terms and conditions on your website, you can be sure to avoid any legal issues and in turn, focus on cultivating a community for your customers to share their voice and showcase your product.

Since 2018, our platform is entirely compliant with GDPR requirements. With us, you can trust that your customers’ data privacy is protected and that their data is handled and processed with high standards according to the GDPR. We have thorough procedures for how to handle the data and can trace this data to a physical person, ensuring that any content on your website isn’t anonymous.

In conclusion

In the dynamic world of digital engagement, obtaining User Generated Content permissions and understanding the rights of content creators is key to unlocking authenticity, and helps to foster a legally compliant environment for content creation. By prioritising transparency, your brand can create more valuable UGC and social proof, whilst maintaining genuine brand-user relationships.