
How Nordliebe benefits from UGC | Case study

Nordliebe is an international concept store for Scandinavian design. Learn how they created a compelling online journey by integrating UGC into multiple touchpoints within their eCommerce.


Conversion Rate of people who interacted with UGC


Average order value increase


The Story

“I wanted to find a way for customers to discover products like they do on Instagram just by clicking on them in a picture. Of course, you can do that within Instagram, but I wanted to integrate that into our webshop, and I think Flowbox is the perfect tool for us.”

Helene Stolzenberg – CEO at Nordliebe

As a concept store for Scandinavian design with an international audience, Nordliebe has built a name for itself as a benchmark in the market for home decor and consumer goods products. With Instagram as their most important marketing tool, they were looking for a way to multiply the engagement that they see on this platform by leveraging it further within their online buying journey.


Touching upon a number of highly engaging lifestyle elements within their marketing strategies, such as sharing recipes that are made using their products and featuring picturesque flowers alongside their design items, Nordliebe wanted to find a way to highlight this engagement while connecting the conversation back to their products. 

With the help of dynamic User Generated Content collections integrated into various touchpoints along the shopping journey, the brand discovered an authentic way to refocus customer attention on their products, while maintaining interest in these captivating lifestyle communications. 

“A product can be much more than what we show in our own pictures. A big cup, for example, can also be a plant holder. You can do so much with it, and I think that UGC inspires customers, which is a beautiful thing about online communication. Therefore, I think UGC is good for showing people what you can do with one product.”

Helene Stolzenberg – CEO at Nordliebe


By integrating high-quality images and videos created by customers on social media into their online buying approach, the brand has managed to create a more compelling shopping journey. The best part? They see this reflected back in their online revenue. 

“It’s amazing – even after a couple of weeks you could already see a lot of revenue coming through Flowbox. And now that our UGC collection is so big, it’s an income source for us that’s equivalent to what the newsletter makes, which I think is quite impressive. The newsletter goes out and it’s out there, but Flowbox stays. It’s something you can always look at over and over again; it’s an investment of time into something that remains on your website and that’s what I really like about it.”

Helene Stolzenberg – CEO at Nordliebe

The use of Flowbox collections enable the brand to be more imaginative with their visual journey, adding pertinent UGC into various points within the online selling process. As a brand that’s focused on design, presenting innovative and fresh approaches to visual content is crucial for customer retention and engagement. 

“I wanted to integrate a UGC collection with a specific topic, which is what I like about Flowbox: it lets me be creative and flexible. It lets me develop the integration based on certain input from customers, enabling me to integrate that input into my strategy. I think the way Flowbox is built allows people to really work with it, and that’s really good.”

Helene Stolzenberg – CEO at Nordliebe

And they see the difference in the numbers. With authentic UGC, they’ve seen a 67.19% average order value increase with 9.18% of people interacting with this content purchasing a product. 

“Sometimes I look through everything that we have in our UGC collections, and I just think about how great the material is. It’s something that I’ve been wanting to do for such a long time, and I was so happy as soon as I could do it.”

Helene Stolzenberg – CEO at Nordliebe


Conversion Rate of people who interacted with UGC


Average order value increase


“I really pushed for a UGC integration so our developer did some research and he came up with Flowbox. He said, ‘That’s the tool you want to have.’ Since that day, it has been very helpful to work with your team. We get all the support we need, and we do a lot with the tool and our collections.”

Helene Stolzenberg – CEO at Nordliebe