
How Woodenson benefits from UGC | Case study

Sustainable watchmakers Woodenson have boosted their marketing strategy with User Generated Content, read on for all of the details, including how they authentically display their stylish products.


Conversion rate increase


Users that interact with UGC convert more


The Story

Woodenson is a sustainable watch brand with a strong presence in Spain, Italy, the USA, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. The brand ​​is focused on sustainability and the connection between human beings and the environment. Their watches are made of wood because they want to remind consumers of the sensation that they feel when they come into contact with nature.


Woodenson began by manually finding and then adding content created by social media users to their site, but they found that this process was not moving at the pace or level of efficiency that they required. They needed a better system for incorporating UGC into their website. 

“So, the idea of ​​using UGC has been one that we had from the beginning, but what Flowbox has given us is a super simple way to have all that fresh content, and to have it updated immediately since the process is extremely simple.”

Gabriel Mora, CEO of Woodenson

Woodenson were in need of a form of social proof by which happy customers could authentically showcase their products in a way potential customers can trust.

Social proof can extend beyond expressing that a product is just cool or stylish, it can also extend to safety around purchasing items online. Woodenson operates in certain markets where online fraud is prevalent and consumers seeing images or testimonials posted by real people helps them to put their trust in the online purchasing process. 

“Above all, I consider it to be important because in Latin America, there is a lot of online fraud and so it is essential that the client sees that they have a lot of security because it is not like in Europe. In Europe, there is very little fraud compared to Latin America. The fact that the user is seeing other users wearing the product gives them a lot of confidence.”

Gabriel Mora, CEO of Woodenson


It is especially important for watchmakers to keep their campaigns dynamic so that consumers get a feel for their products. A static image of a watch will usually not have the same impact as a photo of a person wearing it and incorporating it into their daily lifestyle. This is one of the reasons why our User Generated Content tools have become a key part of Woodensons marketing strategy. 

“For us, the most important aspect is really the fact that the user can see that our product is popular, that there are people wearing it. There is a high level of social recommendation that comes from being able to see photos of influencers or Instagrammers wearing the product on the relevant product page. UGC images instill a deep level of confidence in consumers.”

Gabriel Mora, CEO of Woodenson

Woodenson relies on User Generated Content images of their products as a way for consumers to envisage how a watch might look on them, or the person they are buying it for. This form of content displays the products in real contexts, showing elements like color, size, and style in a more explanatory way than a static image. 

“For us it is fundamental, with a watch, you have little idea of ​​its size, if it will suit you, and if it will be too big or too small. So seeing it being worn by consumers, generates a strong sense of security when viewing the product. With watches being an accessory that is basically a fashion accessory, you have to have images that go beyond the explanatory image of the product itself.”

Gabriel Mora, CEO of Woodenson


Conversion rate increase


Users that interact with UGC convert more


Flowbox facilitates the day-to-day functioning of the eCommerce brand. Woodenson has different websites in different countries, and the fact that Flowbox allows them to easily manage content across multiple sites and pages at once has been incredibly helpful to the brand.

“The truth is that the platform is very simple. Daily management is wonderful because you really automatically see what you have pending management, how to manage the photos you have, you assign them to the products and I know that automatically on all my websites, in all my markets, that photo is being uploaded. I found it very versatile.”

Gabriel Mora, CEO of Woodenson

The Flowbox integration has given Woodenson maximum speed and efficiency, without taking up too much space on their website. This is very important as the faster a website loads, the smoother the sales journey is for customers. If a website isn’t working properly, customers are likely to go elsewhere.

“Another thing that stood out and that I really liked about the platform is that it barely overloads the website. I have technical training and I set up the website myself and the fundamental fact that I do not have to overload myself by manually adding fifteen photos at the same time to every product sheet is very important.”

Gabriel Mora, CEO of Woodenson