Leisure, Travel and Tourism

Flowbox & Leisure, Travel and Tourism Brands

Your designs have been featured by customers in the content that they’ve posted on social media. Collect this content and use it to extend your brand’s social engagement into your website. Then, say hello to ROI.

Trusted by 850+ brands

Real life examples

Real life examples

Holiday destinations, institutions and museums can be portrayed differently to the client’s expectations. Consumers feel more inspired when they see what you propose through the experiences of prior visitors.

Increased conversion rate

Increase bookings

UGC helps create a community of engaged guests who feel connected to your service, leading to repeat bookings and word-of-mouth referrals.

Increased brand loyalty

Increase brand loyalty

Visitors sharing their experiences on social media platforms can help you reach a wider audience, potentially including individuals who were not previously aware of your company.

Show undecided visitors how it feels to be a part of the experience.

Considering how much time consumers spend browsing social media for inspiration on holiday destinations to explore or museums to visit during their trip, there’s a huge potential to use this to your advantage. Show customers authentic visual content by collecting it from social media and displaying it in your website to inspire visitors with real-life examples.

“They want to benefit from the traffic we get to our website, so we’ve seen that they use #visitzuidlimburg more frequently to get a free spot on our site. If the content they share or the engagement of the content is good enough, they get a call to action button which leads to their website. This increases the engagement for everyone involved, it’s a win-win!”

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Create a more compelling user experience across your website by inspiring customers with social proof.

People love looking for holiday inspiration on social media because it helps them discover new destinations as well as learn about other people’s past experiences. When you include user content on your website, like the Museum Guggenheim Bilbao, you are providing the social proof that prospective visitors crave when aiming to get a sense of the place they might visit. Now, when they browse through the exhibitions the museum offers, they can see visuals of real people who have shared their content. 

“Every week we encourage followers of the different social networks to mention us in the Museum photos they share so that we can choose one of them as the winner of the week and publish it ourselves. The truth is that the reception of this initiative is very positive.”

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Connect with your clients by encouraging them to create content for your brand like Made in Bern.

Swiss tourism site Made in Bern, offers travelers fantastic holiday inspiration and provides information about holidays in the Bern Region. By incentivising their clients to create content, Made in Bern helps them feel listened and connected to the brand’s community, resulting in greater satisfaction.

The brand encourages guests to post content on their social media accounts and tag the brand using the designated hashtag #madeinbern or the account tag @madeinbern.

Read Made in Bern Blog Post

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