
How Lékué benefits from UGC | Case study

This innovative kitchenware brand is focused on sharing a healthy lifestyle with their customers. This has resulted in a large number of users following their lead by sharing their own explorations of healthy cooking with Lékué products on social media. Learn how the brand has leveraged this content to improve their online shopping journey.

The Story

Lékué is a kitchenware brand with the mission to contribute happiness to the lives of their customers through easy, fun, and flavorful cooking. The brand aims to share a healthy and spirited lifestyle with their customers to discover new ways to achieve healthy eating.


Lékué has always encouraged a sentiment of community surrounding their brand, inspiring their followers to share recipes and dishes made with their products. For the brand, User Generated Content has always been an important pillar for holding up their marketing strategy, which allows them to connect with their users and learn how they interact with Lékué products. The challenge now is how to capitalize on this content, extending its engagement past social media and into their online buying process.


Lékué turned to Flowbox to automate their UGC process. Now they can collect, curate, and publish images and videos shared by their fans on social media through the Flowbox platform. Each day, their team accesses the platform to select and approve fresh content that best matches their brand image. The next step is to connect each piece of media with the product or products that appear in it, then publish this content into a carousel on their product pages. In doing this, users can see other examples of what to cook with the Lékué products, including recipes and the final result.

With this model, Lékué is not only promoting their own products but also spreading a healthy lifestyle and reinforcing a connection with their online community.